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Clinical Audit Support Centre eNews
eNewsletter - Issue 143 - September 2021

Auditorium 2 proves a huge success!


On September 2 we joined forces with Healthcare Conferences UK to facilitate the second Clinical Auditorium mini conference. Interest in the event proved exceptional with over 260 people booking a place. The event included a keynote presentation from NHS England’s Dawn Chamberlain (see below) and this was very well received. However, the real stars of the show were the patient speakers who spoke passionately about their involvement in clinical audit and QI. Carol Munt (from the HQIP Service User Network) challenged teams to ‘just get on’ with involving patients in audit and she encouraged attendees to familiarise themselves with HQIP’s PPI resources, available here. Rachel Jury won hearts and minds with her amazing talk and explained how she took part in local Quality Improvement training – an approach that all NHS organisations could replicate. Our final speakers from East London Foundation Trust (Sheila, Millie, Satwinder and Craig) who provided many examples of co-production that others could learn from. In addition to the external speakers, CASC also presented the findings of our pre-event survey. This demonstrates that most organisations are currently struggling to meet the HQIP best practice guidance for involving patients in clinical audit. Click here, to access the results. Given the success of the event, a follow-up auditorium in 2022 will re-visit this subject.

NHS England reveal plans for clinical audit


We were delighted to see Dawn Chamberlain (Director of Clinical Improvement and Co-chair of Clinical Audit) use her time at Auditorium to outline current NHS England strategy in relation to clinical audit. The highlight of Dawn’s talk was her unveiling of the new draft vision for clinical audit. This included nine statements that those present at Auditorium were asked to prioritise. Voting revealed three clear leaders: 1) a focus on QI to embed recommendations at the front-line, 2) a prioritisation of recommendations (with patient safety at the top of the hierarchy) and 3) automated, real-time data for clinical audits in the Model Health System with benchmarking, dashboards and early warning systems for stakeholders. It was also great to hear NHS England acknowledge the need to broaden the scope of national audit work and delegates at Auditorium approved of this. Delegates were provided with the opportunity to identify gaps in current clinical audit delivery and feedback will be incorporated into a paper to the Executive Quality Board Clinical Audit Sub-Group to set out recommendations for embedding clinical audit for improvement. NHS England are eager to hear your views and you can contact them via England.improvementsupporthubpmo@nhs.net. Overall, this feels like an exciting time for clinical audit and it was encouraging to see Dawn and her colleagues talk with passion about audit, while also sharing future plans for our profession.

Learn at Lunch Autumn events released


As many of you will be aware we launched our free Learn at Lunch online educational sessions in August 2020. These have proved to be a great success and we have cut down on the bureaucracy by simply now providing zoom codes in advance of the sessions, to save people going through an unnecessary registration process. We are pleased to announce that our programme for Autumn sessions is taking shape and we have three expert speakers confirmed. On 6 October Dr Rabia Imtiaz (Acting Medical Director at Kettering General Hospital) will return to do a follow-up session on ‘Compassionism’. On 20 October we are delighted that Emma Challans (Director of Culture and Improvement at Sherwood Forest Hospitals) will be looking at how to get the most out of your clinical audit career. Finally on 23 November, Tim Sims will focus on VUCA: Volatile, Complex, Uncertain and Ambiguous’. We expect all three sessions to be very popular and more talks are in the pipeline. To download the flyer and access the relevant meeting codes, click here. To watch previous sessions back, click here.

Join us for CASC week: 22-26 Nov


Many of you will be aware that a decision has been taken to postpone Clinical Audit Awareness Week until 2022. Given that we had invested in trophies and additional resources for 2021 we have chosen to continue to run the events we had planned. From 22 to 26 November, we will be hosting ‘CASC week’ aka #CASC21. For more details click here. Lots of details about this will be shared in coming weeks but we are delighted to announce that at these early stages there will be a Learn at Lunch on ‘VUCA’ with Tim Sims on 23 November and on 26 November we are partnering with Healthcare Conferences UK to run the Clinical Audit Leadership conference. For more details, click here. We will be honouring those who have worked in our profession for over 20 years with a suitable award and once again #CakeOff will be back. We are in the process of arranging free training to those staff working in care homes and primary care as previous #CAAW events have not targeted these important sectors. More details will be released soon, so watch this space and keep an eye on our Twitter feed via @cascleicester.

Vicky Patel announced as new NQICAN chairperson


The National Quality Improvement (including Clinical Audit) Network announced on 2 September that Vicky Patel will replace Carl Walker as chairperson. Vicky is the current chairperson of the Yorkshire and Humber Effectiveness and Audit Regional Network (YEARN) and you can follow her on Twitter via @VickyPatelSTH. We congratulate Vicky on her new role and look forward to working with her in future. We understand that Sarah Chessell (current NQICAN General Secretary) will be stepping down from her post in December and this will coincide with an election for her post. Several regional networks are currently looking for new chairpersons and so this feels like a time of change for the wider NQICAN family. This represents an exciting opportunity for NQICAN to bring in new people with fresh ideas. In further NQICAN news, the NNSF forum is now 4 years old. Although we have significantly reduced our use of this in recent times we have been named as forum super-users! As ever we encourage members of the audit community to join the forum and actively engage.

Tell your friends about our eNews


We first launched the CASC e-Newsletter in February 2007 with the aim of providing those with an interest in clinical audit and QI with a free regular monthly update. Since that time hundreds of subscribers across the world have joined our circulation list. The newsletter provides subscribers with a mixture of CASC-related and other clinical audit, quality improvement and patient safety news to help you keep up-to-date with current events. Don’t forget that if you have missed a previous issue of the newsletter then you can visit the eNews section of our website where all previous issues are archived. If you wish to sign up for your own copy or know others who may be interested then please email: info@clinicalauditsupport.com

Training Courses:
Advanced Clinical Audit
Train the Trainer in Clinical Audit
Audit Distance Learning Course
Root Cause Analysis
Significant Event Audit
Getting started with QI

See Also:
About us
Training courses
Clinical Audit resources
CASC reports
Quality improvement
Patient safety

Next e-News will be released on 7 October 2021

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Email: info@clinicalauditsupport.com | Phone: +44 0116 264 3411.