CASC Learn at Lunch

Book now for summer sessions

We are excited to be able to announce that we will be running three Learn at Lunch sessions over the summer. On 2 July we will be presenting and debating the results from the CASC / AMaT Clinical Audit Census. The census provides a unique insight into how healthcare organisations resource their clinical audit function. On 1 August we will be looking at Appreciative Inquiry. This session was initially planned for 22 May, but we had to postpone this as the CASC Directors were both unwell. The session will introduce Appreciative Inquiry and delegates will be given an opportunity to utilise the technique in small groups. On 5 September we will be focusing on After Action Reviews. AARs are gaining momentum with lots of NHS teams utilising the approach to help better understand and manage their patient safety incidents. The session will explain the AAR four question approach and suggest hints and tips for AAR conductors.

To book on all or any of these Learn at Lunch sessions, please email us via stating which session you would like to attend. Please note: all those who previously booked on Appreciative Inquiry will retain their place and be contacted by the CASC team prior to 1 August.

  • 2 July: The Clinical Audit Census 2023 – key results and insights
  • 1 August: Appreciative Inquiry – positive psychology and the road to improvement
  • 5 September: After Action Reviews – what are they and how do you conduct them?

Important booking news

Historically we always shared zoom codes widely for our Learn at Lunch events on our flyers and via Twitter. Sadly, in June 2022 our breakfast meeting was attacked by a bunch of racists who had clearly picked up the meeting code online. Of course, we take this matter very seriously and have significantly changed our procedures. It is a shame that this will now increase the workload for us all, but it is a necessary change to protect the integrity of our events. Going forwards, if you want to book onto a CASC Learn at Lunch session then you will need to send an email to Please note, that for the time being we are no longer taking bookings via Eventbrite as they are now charging for their services.

Can you help us?

We are also eager to hear about what events you would like us to run as part of our Learn at Lunch sessions going forwards. If you have any suggestions, then do please get in touch via the above email. We are also keen to use the events as an opportunity to give others the chance to showcase their work, so if you or your team would like to lead a future session and/or present information, then do please get in touch.

Previous meetings

Learn at Lunch meeting 29: 12 April 2024

Anne-Marie Murkett shares her thoughts on being an Audit Team of One and introduces After Action Reviews.

  • Click here to access slides from the session
  • Click here to watch the presentation

Learn at Lunch meeting 28: 24 November 2023

Results from CASC and AMaT Clinical Audit 2023 Census with the CASC Directors

  • Click here to access slides from the session
  • Click here for watch the presentation

Learn at Lunch meeting 27: 17 August 2023

Frightful Clinical Audits with the CASC Directors

  • Click here to access slides from the session

Learn at Lunch meeting 26: 26 June 2023

Junior doctor engagement in clinical audit and QI projects with Dr Baig

  • Click here to access slides from the session

Learn at Lunch meeting 25: 13 April 2023

What Matters to You with Gill Smith

  • Click here to access slides from the session
  • Click here for access to lots of relevant ‘WMTY’ resources

Learn at Lunch meeting 24: 20 January 2023

Excel for Beginners with Suzanne Henderson from AMaT

Learn at Lunch meeting 23: 19 December 2022

CASC Christmas Party and a review of the clinical audit year

Learn at Lunch meeting 22: 9 August 2022

Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) with Jane Higgs

  • Click here to access the slides from the session (plus useful SEIPS weblinks)

Learn at Lunch meeting 21: 24 March 2022

Menopause Matters with Sarah Fereday

  • Click here for infographic with access to relevant menopause resources

Learn at Lunch meeting 20: 4 March 2022

Effective meetings with Tim Sims

  • Click here for ineffective meeting leaders

Learn at Lunch meeting 19: 20 December 2021

Festive Fun with Stephen and Tracy

Learn at Lunch meeting 18: 23 November 2021

VUCA with Tim Sims

Learn at Lunch meeting 17: 20 October 2021

Looking beyond clinical audit: option for career development with Emma Challans

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 16: 6 October 2021

Calling it out with compassion with Dr Rabia Imtiaz

Learn at Lunch meeting 15: 30 June 2021

What not to do in Quality Improvement with Dr John Dean

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to see an infographic on audit/QI lessons learned that was shared by attendees at this online workshop.

Learn at Lunch meeting 14: 26 April 2021

All you need to know about AMaT with Suzanne Henderson.

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to see the FAQs from the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 13: 20 April 2021

How to improve junior doctor engagement in clinical audit and QI with Dr Aamir Saifuddin

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 12: 9 March 2021

Bouncebackability with Jon Peach

  • This session was not recorded at the request of the speaker

Learn at Lunch meeting 11: 25 February 2021

Dummies Guide to Human Factors with Jane Higgs

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to watch a recording of the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 10: 10 February 2021

The importance of compassion in the workplace with Dr Rabia Imtiaz

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to watch a recording of the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 9: 19 January 2021

The State of Clinical Audit: interim results of the 11th CASC annual survey

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to access 2020 CASC survey interim results
  • Click here to access NCA performance dashboard

Learn at Lunch meeting 8: 18 January 2021

Blue Monday: Special Event

  • Click here to access a short guide on to help improve your mental wellbeing

Learn at Lunch meeting 7: 22 December 2020

Our first (but by no means last!) clinical audit bug-bears session focused on common problems with action plans. Guest speakers included: Michael Spry (Spire Healthcare) and Helen Turner (Leeds and Yorkshire Partnership NHSFT). The session was not recorded.

  • Click here to access your PDF for slacktion plans
  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event

Learn at Lunch meeting 6: 24 November 2020

We celebrated the success of Clinical Audit Awareness Week (also known as #CAAW20) and ran our biggest quiz ever with a prize of £100 cash to the winner! The session was not recorded.

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event

Learn at Lunch meeting 5: 22 October 2020

Effective home working. Main presenters: Hollie Mann (Richard House Hospice), Corrina Bentley (North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust) and Dr Claudia Chetcuti Ganado (Luton and Dunstable University Hospital). Facilitated by Stephen Ashmore and Tracy Ruthven (CASC).

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to read the associated post event flyer created by CASC
  • Click here for the updated CASC working from home survey results

Learn at Lunch meeting 4: 8 October 2020

Mental Wealth with Dr. Andy Cope (Art of Brilliance) Facilitated by: Stephen Ashmore and Tracy Ruthven (CASC)

  • Click here to read the associated post event flyer created by CASC

Learn at Lunch meeting 3: 29 September 2020

Improving National Clinical Audit. Main presenters: Stephen Ashmore and Tracy Ruthven (CASC), Marina Otley (Nottingham CityCare Partnership)

  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to read the associated post event flyer created by CASC
  • Click here to access a PDF copy of CASCs slides from this event
  • Click here to access a PDF copy of Marina’s slides from the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 2: 24 August 2020

Decade of Data: The State of Clinical Audit. Main presenters: Stephen Ashmore and Tracy Ruthven (CASC)

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to read the associated post event flyer created by CASC
  • Click here for updated graphs and results for the event

Learn at Lunch meeting 1: 6 August 2020

Are you paid the going rate? Main presenters: Stephen Ashmore and Tracy Ruthven (CASC)

  • Click here to access a PDF copy of the slides from this event
  • Click here to watch a recording of the event
  • Click here to read the associated post event flyer created by CASC



Clinical Audit Support Centre Limited
Blaby Business Centre
33 Leicester Road
Leicester, LE8 4GR

T: 0116 264 3411