CASC Podcasts

The Clinical Audit Support Centre would like to welcome you to our podcasting page. The service was initially established in 2008 and thus far we are the only organisation in the UK who produce regular podcasts looking at clinical audit and wider healthcare quality improvement initiatives.

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If you are not familiar with the term, a podcast involves providing a digital media file that is distributed on the internet for playback on a personal computer or portable media player, such as an iPod or MP3 player. In lay terms, our podcasts will essentially serve as radio broadcasts and you will be able to listen to these via the iTunes store. To find all our podcasts via iTunes simply search for ‘Clinical Audit Support Centre’.

Since setting up the service we have produced many podcasts in a wide range of formats, including news updates, blogs, personal viewpoints, etc. We aim to use podcasting as a way of informing healthcare professionals of our work and key developments in the world of clinical audit and quality improvement. Hopefully this initiative will interest healthcare professionals and help create a more active clinical audit community in the UK. Furthermore, we aim to involve patients in the work that we undertake and help them to understand how quality assurance techniques work in the UK, and we view podcasting as an innovative medium to achieve this goal.

All podcasts that we produce are available free of charge, although there are conditions that must be followed in terms of their use. All materials are copyright of the Clinical Audit Support Centre and may not be altered or reproduced. Our podcasts are for personal use only and may not be re-broadcast without our written permission.

Available Podcasts

Feedback on CASC’s Clinical Audit Summit held in March 2017

All the details of our event for mental health and community clinical audit professionals that was turned into a subsequent blog for NQICAN.

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Clinical Audit and Improvement Conference, October 2015

CASC‘s thoughts on all the keynote speakers and presentations

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The effective qualities of a title

More thoughts from our anonymous blogger Acus Puncto

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Unilateral declaration of independence for clinical audit

Thoughts from our anonymous clinical audit blogger Acus Puncto

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Clinical Audit Today Editorial (August 2013)

Introducing award winning junior doctor clinical audits

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Clinical Audit Today Editorial (October 2012)

Time to celebrate

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My worst ever clinical audit

A brief insight into Stephen Ashmore's worst clinical audit project

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CASC's 2012 National Clinical Audit Conference

A brief summary of the event held in Leicester on 4th July 2012

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Department of Health re-tender meeting

A brief overview of the event held in London on 25th June 2012

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Clinical Audit and Improvement conference 2012

A brief overview of the keynote opening address by Robin Burgess

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Clinical Audit Today Editorial (February 2012)

2012: the pivotal year for clinical audit by Stephen Ashmore

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Clinical Audit Today Editorial (December 2010)

You'll win nothing with kids' by Stephen Ashmore

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Clinical Audit and Revalidation conference 2010

This podcast provides a brief overview of Healthcare Events' conference in Manchester on 16th September 2010.

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Grumpy Old Auditor Number 4 (July 2010)

What's yours is mine and what's mine's my own by John Grant-Casey

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Grumpy Old Auditor Number 3 (February 2010)

It doesn't matter how big yours is: what's important is what you do with it! by John Grant-Casey

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Clinical Audit Support Centre Limited
Blaby Business Centre
33 Leicester Road
Leicester, LE8 4GR

T: 0116 264 3411