Junior Doctor Audit

In 2010, the Clinical Audit Support Centre set up a clinical audit competition for junior doctors after we received feedback from a number of local clinical audit teams that the standard of junior doctor audit was largely unsatisfactory. Therefore, by inviting juniors to submit their audit work we would gain an insight into both the quality of projects and the appetite for clinical audit. In addition, setting up the competition seemed a logical undertaking to carry out given that junior doctors involvement in clinical audit and quality improvement is compulsory. The competition proved an instant success and has since become an annual feature on the clinical audit calendar. Indeed, since the competition was launched in 2010, the number of entries to the clinical audit competition alone has exceeded one thousand. Click here to read our timeline history of the competition.

In 2013, we decided to extend the competition to include a quality improvement category. Of course, we fully appreciate clinical audit is a quality improvement technique, but not all quality improvement carried out by junior doctors is clinical audit (many use PDSA, Model for Improvement, LEAN approaches, etc.). To clarify, entries that measure care against agreed standards, no matter how many times they do this are classified as clinical audit. The section below, provides details and posters of all the previous winners in the junior doctor clinical audit competition since 2010. Note: we added the Martin Ferris Award in 2011 so there are many great examples of award-winning clinical audit projects carried out by junior doctors listed below:


Martin Ferris Award winner

Improving the medical and surgical handovers
Walsh C, Yeomans J
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

Improving smoking cessation services for “forgotten smokers” on old age psychiatry Sim P, Ansah-Palmer G, Adelman S
Highgate Mental Health Centre, London

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Martin Ferris Award winner

An audit of haemoglobin assessment after post-operative blood transfusion in patients with hip fracture Llewellyn O, Barnes P, Nadimi J, Yates J, McCann J
Warrington Hospital

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner
Improving inpatient sleep on an acute medical ward Zou D, Chin A, Atkins J, King A Nottingham University Hospital

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Martin Ferris Award winner

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and the need for routine group and save Wardle S, Lyons S, Gopalswamy S
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

Improving the quality of discharge summaries on the stroke unit Mehta P, Bailey J, Khadjooi K
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge

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Martin Ferris Award winner

Curing the delay to diagnose hip fracture Richardson R, Mohammed Z, Brennan N
The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

”Chase CRP, Review Patient”: Improving the quality of out-of-hours medical handover Saifuddin A, Magee L, Barrett R
Charing Cross Hospital, London

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Martin Ferris Award winner

Verifying death, implementing a successful change in practice Wakefield D, Osbourne G
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

Don’t be a clot – ensure the prescription of out-patient VTE prophylaxis following lower limb arthroplasty Evans J, Evans C, Armstrong A
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

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Martin Ferris Award winner

Night time emergency department secondment Williams R, Hope A
Royal Navy and Royal Air Force

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

Falling rates or falling flat? Gibson R, Heaney A, Hull K
South Eastern and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

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Martin Ferris Award winner

Great cocktail without the hangover Lees D, Harrison W, Reed M
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

An apple a day keeps VTE at bay Maughan E, Eyre K, Hanna L, Fawcett N, Reckless I
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust

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Clinical Audit of the Year winner

Improving DVT prophylaxis using a “lean” approach: a new solution to an old problem Kreckler S, MacQueen A, Catchpole K, Handa A, McCulloch P
John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford

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Clinical Audit Support Centre Limited
Blaby Business Centre
33 Leicester Road
Leicester, LE8 4GR

T: 0116 264 3411
E: info@clinicalauditsupport.com