Since 2008, the Clinical Audit Support Centre have taken responsibility for running educational workshops, events and conferences for non-medical prescribers based in Leicestershire. This work is coordinated by the wider NMP Steering Group who are made up of experts from across the county (NHS organisations, academic bodies, etc.) and who meet periodically. CASC host and chair steering group meetings, manage the NMP budget and organise all relevant education conferences and workshops for NMPs in Leicestershire.
What is an NMP?
A non-medical prescriber is essentially a healthcare professional who prescribes (but is not a doctor). Many healthcare staff have undertaken extensive additional and ongoing training in order to become an NMP, including the likes of: specialist nurses, pharmacists, radiographers, etc. To find out more about the work and requirements of NMPs, click here. Many of our local NMPs have undertaken the excellent course at De Montfort University. To find out more, click here.
Lunchtime meetings and events
Whenever possible we hold educational lunchtime meetings for NMPs that take place from 12noon to 2pm. The format of these meetings is: registration from 12noon to 12.30pm with the educational workshop lasting 90 minutes to 2pm. Events typically take place at Devonshire Place (London Rd) or other venues in Leicester (as stated).
PLEASE NOTE: all NMP meetings and events are suspended because of COVID-19. As soon as we are in a position to give further updates on NMP sessions for 2020, we will do so here.
Learning materials
To aid learning, we are sharing one-page summaries from some of the lunchtime meetings and workshops. The infographics provide key points from training and links to resources, see below:
HIV and its Management by Joanne Dey in September 2019, click here
An Introduction to Anticoagulation by Julia Weston in July 2019, click here.
Diabetic Foot Care by Rachel Berrington in April 2019, click here
End of Life Care by Dr. Luke Feathers in March 2019, click here
NMP Conference 2018

In addition to the lunchtime meetings and workshops, we also aim to try and run one Leicestershire-wide conference for NMPs each year. The last of these took place on 11 December at Leicester Racecourse with over 130 NMPs in attendance. The conference featured local, regional and national experts with keynote talks on legal matters and the new RPS and NMC standards. Delegates were able to listen to clinical experts speaking on: acute kidney injury, respiratory care, diabetes, etc. There were also discussions on how to use data most effectively, how to report concerns and antimicrobial stewardship. NHS Improvement, the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network, Leicester University and local NHS Trusts and CCGs all helped provide expert speakers for the conference. Overall the feedback from delegates was exceptional. Indeed, for the first time ever when running the NMP conference, 100% of those attending rated the events as either ‘good’ or ‘very good’. We have created a useful resources flyer that allows you to access websites that keynote speakers encouraged delegates to look at. Click here to download this.
Who is eligible to attend the NMP events?
If you are a non-medical prescriber working for University Hospitals Leicester, Leicestershire Partnership Trust or one of the three Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups you are eligible to attend the NMP educational events free of charge. Our meetings and conferences cater for a wide range of NMP staff and in recent times a wide range of professionals have attended local events, including: practice nurses, nurse practitioners, specialist nurses, community matrons, district nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, etc. Further, if you are currently not working in Leicestershire but are studying for the relevant De Montfort University course then you are entitled to attend the meetings free of charge. NMP’s based outside Leicestershire may attend the workshops and conference if places are available, but a small charge will be made to cover costs.
How do I book a place?
Booking your place on NMP events is simple and all you need to do is email Please state the title and date of the workshop you would like to book for. Please note, that you cannot book places for other NMPs. A member of the Clinical Audit Support Centre team will then contact you with further details. For information, places are offered on a strictly ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Places for lunchtime meetings are limited to 20 per sponsoring organisation and 50 per sponsoring organisation for the annual conference. Please note, we are always looking out for experts to come and speak to our NMPs. If you are interested in this then please do get in touch.
What happens if I fail to attend?
Please be aware that NMP staff that book onto monthly meetings and/or the annual conference access free events funded by NHS monies. If you book on an event and are subsequently unable to attend (however late in the day) you are expected to contact the CASC team via (0116) 264 3411 or We reserve the right to charge staff who fail to attend events and who do not contact us prior to the event or within 24 hours of the conclusion of the event a fee of £20 to cover associated costs.